La CGT en forte progression en Comminges dans tous les collèges et en particulier dans le collège encadrement. Elle est confirmée comme l’organisation syndicale au service des salariés qui refuse la compromission et veille à son indépendance.

Résultats sur le département

Résultats globaux  Cph de St Gaudens

Indépendance vis a vis des élus politiques, en effet des élus  ont soutenu directement (en se présentant avec certaines organisations) ou indirectement lors des CAP et autres,  les organisations syndicales qui aujourd’hui sont sanctionnées par les électeurs.

Le taux de participation reste néanmoins à un niveau peu élevé. La désafection du scrutin touche toute les composantes de la société. C’est une raison supplémentaire pour la CGT forte de la confiance des salariés de travailler au rassemblement de ceux-ci pour leur revendications pour une société plus équitable et vivable.


Vinicius le 9 septembre, 2014 à 16:04 #

Vision, research, polciy and execution need to be connected. We’ve certainly had experiences in local government where, we’ve dedicated so much effort to governing (execution) at the expense of having a future vision.In national government, it’s right to have a vision that’s bold yet realistic, laying out the framework and steps to achieve this in our polciy.These ideas concerning behavioural tax switching, fairness in income tax for those on low incomes and threshold exemptions, a top rate on higher incomes, better consideration of capital gains, as a radical package, would provide us with greater distinctiveness. But we’d need to ensure we’re credible.Replacing council tax with local income tax, we need to be particularly careful in explaining. We need to ensure that maths is firstly not incorrect and secondly, understandable and thirdly, better researched than our attempts in 2005.At the time, we didn’t properly research and analyse likely scenarios, leading to a trial by media i.e. multiple friends (possibly fresh graduates) in a houseshare or two co-habiting key-workers (e.g. teacher and nurse) would be potentially worse-off under those reforms.So did we learn from this mistake? Vince’s ill-communication of the mansion tax polciy meant it had to be launched twice, the second time with the correct arithmetic. But this is history.People will judge us on our competence not only in the vision and polciy, but in how it’s communicated. We have a great opportunity in government and we need to ensure that we take it, that we’re bold, but that we get it right.

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